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Bewerbung für Nr.59

Montag 24. Juni 2019, 20:16

Ok so I will write this in Englich I have played Mount & Blade for a few years now. I was in a few regiments 1. 3rdSG 2. 4thKGL 3.9thSR 4. 65thFLB. Now to adress why so many regiments 3rdSG kinda broke down 4thKGL merged in 9thSR and 9thSR disbanded so I joined 65thFLB, 65thFLB is still an active regiment but I left ( + very low attendece). Something about me: I like strategy games and talking to people. Why am I joining a german regiment you may ask, well 1. Wanna expand my german, 2. Wanna meet new people, 3. Wanna play M & B. I speak englich, (basic-german, basic-swedish, basic-russian). Also Im from Czech republic.

Montag 24. Juni 2019, 20:16

Re: Bewerbung für Nr.59

Montag 24. Juni 2019, 20:27

Dear Sauron,
we already met you on the field and we already enjoy having someone in our ranks who is actually not able to speak german. Since you are from the Czech Republic, you might have some good time with herachiles who also is from there.

Hereby I enlist you as a recruit of the rank-class XIX from the salzburgisch-oberösterreichischen, kaiserlich-königlichen Infanterie-Regiments "Alexander von Jordis" Nummero 59.

Oberstlieutenant DarthKiller454
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